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Thursday, 19 May 2011
Is 21st may last day of our world ? According to the Bible
NEW YORK: It's raining in New York, and everyone tries to get out of the rain. Not Manny. The 56-year old Dominican, unflappable, stands on a corner with his umbrella, warning people that on Saturday, May 21, the world will end.
All over New York, preachers armed with T-shirts, brochures, books and posters are preaching the end of the world. Using a complex numerical calculation from the Bible, there are even advertisements on the New York city subway warning of the "great earthquake" that accompanies the advent of Judgement Day.
"According to the Bible, in the Book of Revelations there will be a worldwide earthquake," Manny told said. "We're not sure if it will happen at the same time everywhere, because times are different. But it is supposed to happen simultaneously around the world," he said.
The date of May 21, 2011 may seem random, but it is based on a numerical analysis by the American, Harold Camping, the president of Family Radio, a religious broadcaster based in California.
"According to Genesis, when the flood occurred in the year 4990, God told Noah that in seven days he would destroy the earth," Manny explained. "And he destroyed it in seven days.
"But Peter said: 'I know that one day for me is like a thousand years.' So 4990 plus 7001 years (the equivalent of seven days) equals 2011," he explained.
Not only that, May 21 coincides with the 17th day of the second month of the calendar used during the Biblical flood, according to Camping.
Nearby the corner where Manny is prophesying, Borce, 43, is handing out leaflets and explaining to anyone who will listen that they have a few hours left to find salvation.
"Right now there is still salvation, but when May 21st gonna come, the salvation program is finished, God gonna shut the door, and after that only five months remain for the unsaved of the world, and they're gonna be suffering and on the 21st October, God gonna destroy this world with fire," Borce said.
If Manny and Borce are out on the noisy New York City streets everyday spreading the word, they are planning to be in a quieter place when the fateful moment arrives.
"Until Friday, I gonna still pray for God for mercy. Saturday I'll be at home, just watching the news, because the doors will be shut," said Borce, who is American.
"I will kneel and ask God's mercy to see if he can save me, because God wants salvation for everyone," said Manny, who was at his side.
Despite their faith, both men realize that their message is often ridiculed. "People do not believe it," said Manny. "It is typical of what happened in Noah's time, where only eight people were saved. According to the Bible, only 200 million people will be saved" this time, Manny said.
To Borce, that reaction is predictable. "The people are laughing, they laugh at us," he says, adding: "Pray until Friday."
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
Did you know ? Osama bin laden’s niece Super model in USA
A girl born in California, then to 10 years living in Saudi Arabia, then my parents took her to Europe. September 11, 2001 she was in the U.S., and after those tragic events, decided to change its dangerous name of the father and took his mother’s surname. In an interview, she studiously avoids all questions pertaining to her notorious uncle.
Very sorry for me this girl, she will have to pay for the “act” of his uncle. Relatives can not choose!
Very sorry for me this girl, she will have to pay for the “act” of his uncle. Relatives can not choose!
Osama bin laden still alive and safe here is proof
Photo of the Year. How your government is covering up things. Here’s one secret that nobody will know for years to come.
proto-eyes Now Scientists can make eyes in lab
PARIS: In a major advance toward regenerative medicine, researchers have for the first time coaxed stem cells from a mammal into becoming an embryonic eye, according to a study released.
The results, published in Nature, show that growing a complex human organ inside a petri dish -- while still a long way off -- is no longer the stuff of science fiction.
They also point the way to new treatments for diseases that rob people of sight, and even the possibility of one day restoring vision with transplanted retinas generated from a patient's own stem cells, say outside experts.
In laboratory experiments with mice, researchers led by Yoshiki Sasai of the RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology in Kobe, Japan began with pluripotent stem cells, the universal starter kit for virtually every specialised cell in an organism.
Up to now, stem cells have been seen mainly as a potential source of replacement tissue -- such as muscle, liver or heart -- composed of a single type of cell.
Generating a more complex set of cells, or an entire organ, was thought to be dependent on complicated chemical interactions with neighbouring tissues during gestation, and thus impossible outside the natural process of cell division and growth.
But Sasai and colleagues, using new lab techniques, managed to set in motion the transformation of mouse embryonic stem cells into a so-called optic cup, the layered, three-dimensional structures that become the retina in an eye.
Significantly, the cells did the work themselves, without being pushed, pulled or "pressurised" into any particular shape, the researchers said.
"What we've been able to do is resolve a nearly century-old problem in embryology by showing that retinal precursors have the inherent ability to give rise to the complex structure of the optic cup," Sasai said in a statement.
Starting as a patternless mass, the stem cells organised themselves into the two-walled form that corresponds to the inner and outer layers of the retina during the development of an embryo.
"We are now well on our way to becoming able to generate not only differentiated cell types, but organised tissues" that can be used in regenerative medicine, he said.
The discovery is especially relevant for a group of genetic eye conditions, known as retinitis pigmentosa, that lead to blindness, Sasai added.
The disease attacks vision by damaging the retina, the layer of tissue at the back of the inner eye that converts light images to nerve signals and sends them to the brain.
People with retinitis pigmentosa experience a gradual decline in vision because photoreceptor cells -- composed of rods and cones -- degenerate and die.
"As a step forward in the lead-up to cell replacement or even organ therapy, this is a really significant piece of work," said Richard Lang, director of the visual systems group at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital, after reviewing the study.
"It shows that relatively simple culture conditions can be used to generate whole organ primordia," he said, using the term for the early, embryonic stage of organ development.
Lang said the goal of generating human eye tissue remains distant, but noted that other teams of scientists are making parallel breakthroughs on other types of tissue.
"It feels like it won't be long before the first opportunity for experimental clinical use comes along," he wrote by email.
In a commentary, also published in Nature, Robin Ali and Jane Snowden of University College London said the new self-generating proto-eye had the signature molecular markers of both the neural retina, which in living animals is linked to the brain, and a layer called the retinal pigmented epithelium, which helps keep the eye free of debris.
"An even more striking proof that these are genuine retinas is that, in culture, the synthetic optic cups undergo cell differentiation ... into all the main retinal cell types, including photoreceptors," they said.
Olivier Goureau, a researcher at the Institut de la Vision in Paris, agreed that the study broke important new ground but cautioned that mice and human eyes differ in key ways.
"The formation of the eye is the same, but most rodents don't use cones, for example, in the same manner as humans," he said by phone
Amazing 20 Years Of Linux ... Party is every where in Linux Foundation
The Linux Foundation, which is a non-profit organisation tasked with the promotion and the growth of Linux by marshaling the resources of its members and the open source development community, is celebrating 20 years of the infamous open source operating system Linux
Linux was first made public back in August of 1991 by Linus Torvalds, who himself is now a part of the Linux Foundation and is being sponsored by the foundation.
In the celebration of 2 decades of success, the foundation has released an info-graph and a video along with the launch of a video competition named 2011 Video Contest: the 20th Anniversary of Linux whose winner would be judged by the father of Linux, Linus Torvalds, himself.
The winner will receive free air fare, registration and hotel expenses to attend one of the following events of their choice:
LinuxCon North America
LinuxCon Europe
SXSW 2012
The LA Film Festival
Check out further details of 2011 Video Contest: Celebrating 20 Years of Linux.
This is the third such contest hosted by the Linux Foundation which is actually an evolution of the original “We’re Linux” video competition.
The foundation has also released a Linux Anniversary badge for embedding purposes
Funny signs on the roads made by funny people
Sunday, 15 May 2011
Most innocent first kiss captured by accident Must Watch
Do you remember how you felt when you had your first kiss? This was captured by accident, in its most innocent form. If only it could be this way every time... Meet Elliott and Bowie.
Terminator boy single again ... Schwarzenegger and Shriver no more husband and wife
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger arrives with his wife Maria Shriver for a dinner at the White House in Washington in February. The former California first lady has moved out after 25 years of marriage, and the couple confirmed their separation in a joint statement released on May 9 after questions raised by Los Angeles Times. – REUTERS Photo
LOS ANGELES: Movie megastar turned politician Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife Maria Shriver announced their separation Monday, after 25 years of a high-profile personal as well as political marriage.
The Republican former California governor and Shriver – a member of the Democrat-leading Kennedy dynasty – have been living apart for a number of weeks, while they “work on the future” of their relationship, they said.
“This has been a time of great personal and professional transition for each of us,” said a statement to the Los Angeles Times by the “Governator,” who left office in January after seven years as California governor, and his wife.
“After a great deal of thought, reflection, discussion and prayer, we came to this decision together. At this time, we are living apart while we work on the future of our relationship.”
The LA Times added that 55-year-old Shriver, a daughter of the storied Kennedy clan, had moved out of the couple’s mansion in the upscale Brentwood neighborhood of Los Angeles.
Austrian-born former bodybuilder Schwarzenegger, a liberal Republican, has started to return to show business since he stepped down as governor, with plans for a “Governator” comic book and animated TV show.
While Arnie seems set to return to the big screen, he has vowed to pursue his political passions – notably on the environment – fueling rumors than he could even run to be the next president of the European Union.
The couple, who married in 1977, have four children, aged between 14 and 21.
Their marriage has come under the spotlight over the years, notably amid reports of his history of groping women during campaigning for the 2003 recall election which Schwarzenegger won, the LA Times reported.
Shriver, a former TV journalist, defended him at the time, and has stood by his side during his seven years at the helm of the Golden State, a term that ended when Jerry Brown succeeded him four months ago.
The political differences were evident during the 2008 presidential race, when Shriver backed Barack Obama and Schwarzenegger supported Republican John McCain.
Since leaving office the two have seemed to live separate lives, the newspaper said, adding that Shriver struggled with the death of her father, Peace Corps founder Sargent Shriver, in January.
In a March video to supporters on YouTube, she voiced concern about the uncertainty in their lives, saying: “It is so stressful to not know what you’re doing next.”
“I’d like to hear from other people in transition .. How did you get through it? What were three things that enabled you to get through your transition?”Announcing the split, Schwarzenegger, 63, and Shriver said they were “continuing to parent our four children together. They are the light and the center of both of our lives. “We consider this a private matter and neither we nor any of our friends or family will have further comment. We ask for compassion and respect from the media and the public.”
A representative for Schwarzenegger did not immediately respond to a request for confirmation or further details.
LOS ANGELES: Movie megastar turned politician Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife Maria Shriver announced their separation Monday, after 25 years of a high-profile personal as well as political marriage.
The Republican former California governor and Shriver – a member of the Democrat-leading Kennedy dynasty – have been living apart for a number of weeks, while they “work on the future” of their relationship, they said.
“This has been a time of great personal and professional transition for each of us,” said a statement to the Los Angeles Times by the “Governator,” who left office in January after seven years as California governor, and his wife.
“After a great deal of thought, reflection, discussion and prayer, we came to this decision together. At this time, we are living apart while we work on the future of our relationship.”
The LA Times added that 55-year-old Shriver, a daughter of the storied Kennedy clan, had moved out of the couple’s mansion in the upscale Brentwood neighborhood of Los Angeles.
Austrian-born former bodybuilder Schwarzenegger, a liberal Republican, has started to return to show business since he stepped down as governor, with plans for a “Governator” comic book and animated TV show.
While Arnie seems set to return to the big screen, he has vowed to pursue his political passions – notably on the environment – fueling rumors than he could even run to be the next president of the European Union.
The couple, who married in 1977, have four children, aged between 14 and 21.
Their marriage has come under the spotlight over the years, notably amid reports of his history of groping women during campaigning for the 2003 recall election which Schwarzenegger won, the LA Times reported.
Shriver, a former TV journalist, defended him at the time, and has stood by his side during his seven years at the helm of the Golden State, a term that ended when Jerry Brown succeeded him four months ago.
The political differences were evident during the 2008 presidential race, when Shriver backed Barack Obama and Schwarzenegger supported Republican John McCain.
Since leaving office the two have seemed to live separate lives, the newspaper said, adding that Shriver struggled with the death of her father, Peace Corps founder Sargent Shriver, in January.
In a March video to supporters on YouTube, she voiced concern about the uncertainty in their lives, saying: “It is so stressful to not know what you’re doing next.”
“I’d like to hear from other people in transition .. How did you get through it? What were three things that enabled you to get through your transition?”Announcing the split, Schwarzenegger, 63, and Shriver said they were “continuing to parent our four children together. They are the light and the center of both of our lives. “We consider this a private matter and neither we nor any of our friends or family will have further comment. We ask for compassion and respect from the media and the public.”
A representative for Schwarzenegger did not immediately respond to a request for confirmation or further details.
you never seen before A Boy with Seven Limbs in real life
These photos are of eight year old Kumar Paswan from a remote Indian village who has an astonishing medical condition. He was born with a parasitic twin. The twin stopped developing in the womb before it separated fully from Kumar and has left him with seven limbs. He has launched an appeal for the thousands of pounds needed for an operation to remove the parasite.
Osama bin laden dead body real picture during operation
Now u can live in world's most beautiful villa in just $2,000 – $4,500 per day Share41 Phuket's Luxury Retreat with breathtaking views of the Amandan Sea. This incredibly beautiful villa is designed by Original Vision. Built into a granite rock in Phuket, You can get there in this six-bedroom residence for $2,000 – $4,500 per day. [Villa Amanzi: Official Site]
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